About Imagination Education
Logic will get you from A to B… Imagination will get you everywhere!
– Albert Einstein
We are not ones to argue with greatness and who could argue with Einstein himself?!
Here at Imagination Education we believe passionately in making education fun and inspiring for all children, regardless of age, ability or background. We also believe in bringing curriculum subjects alive through play, music and make believe. It was this belief, and a strong desire to give all children in the UAE the chance to see live theatre, that brought about Imagination Education.
Curriculum enrichment, speaking and listening, language development, role play – how ever you view drama, we believe in the power of imagination and the effect it have on learning. How can you write a story with no imagination? How can you have empathy for ancient worlds in history without a little imagination? How will we ever walk on Mars if we can’t imagine doing it first?!
Make drama part of your curriculum today!